Promises Yet To Be Realized...

Promises Yet To Be Realized...


Are you celebrating Life or in a funk? Do you feel a spring in your step with the, um, Spring weather or are you grumbling about weeds and yard mowing? Celebrating the joy of blooming flowers or frustrated with the side effects of pollen?

Maybe you are all of these and that's okay. After all, you are human. Whether on a daily basis or minute to minute, we all have ups and downs. Some are minor #firstworldproblems...others are crushing or tragic and take us to the bottom of our tolerance and beliefs. I urge you to find a still, small place within you and hold onto the promises that God makes. No Scripture reference, it just is. God promises us a Peace that Passes Understanding. He doesn't say the frustration or pain will go away, just that there is a Peace within you...but it is up to you to find it. 

Rainbows are God's promise that there will be joy after pain. Stay strong, reach far, push yourself to the limits and then go a little further. Sink low when you need to, but be determined to hold the course and reach out again. God has made Promises for you and your Life that are yet to be realized. What are they? What are your dreams, your hopes, your goals? Only YOU can answer these questions. Where and who do you want to be when you grow up? Only YOU can make that happen. What is holding you back and why? 

I have no books, videos, magic potions or words of wisdom on how to figure this out. For myself, I only have the Promises that God has made. It is a life-long struggle for me to get out of the way and let those Promises happen. I am my own worst enemy, my biggest obstacle, my own inner demon that holds me back.  I'm taking that rainbow as a gentle reminder that I need to get off my ass and make things happen. I am no good to my family, friends or the world sitting back on my haunches waiting on Life to hand me my Promises. Time to go search them out. 




*Disclaimer ~ I am no theologian or Bible expert. I am me. Take what you read here or don't. Free will people. Free will.


#promisesyettoberealized #rainbowsoversenoia #ilovesenoia #senoiatradingco #getoffyoura$$ #makelifehappen #whatisyoursuperpower #liveitloveit

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